第7回グリーンイメージ国際環境映像祭 開催にあたって





○ 万一、ご体調の優れない様子の方、頻繁な咳などの症状が見られる方は、スタッフからお声がけさせていただく場合がございますのでご了承ください。

○ 会場内およびホワイエのスペースにおいても、感染防止のマナーやエチケットをご自身で守っていただくようお願いいたします。

○ 映像祭プログラムの進行は、状況を鑑みながら変更する場合もございます。ご理解を賜りたくお願い申し上げます。変更については、随時ウェブサイトやSNSで情報発信いたしますので、ご確認ください。

Thank you for always supporting the GREEN IMAGE FILM FESTIVAL. As you know, the risk of coronavirus infection is increasing rapidly in Japan. At our 7th GREEN IMAGE FILM FESTIVAL, we are paying the utmost attention to this matter and will operate according to the following policies (until further notice). We apologize for the inconvenience, but with the objective of protecting the health of our community members in mind, we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance.
・ If you are unwell, have symptoms of cough and/or fever, follow the published guidelines (by the government/authorities) for Corona virus prevention, and we ask that you respectfully do not participate in-person at our event.
・ Please be sure to follow proper etiquette such as washing/sanitizing your hands and covering your mouth as you cough during our event.
・We assumes all rights to confront and assist anyone who participates when showing symptoms such as frequent coughing, sneezing, and general fatigue (signs of being unwell), and may end in escort out of the event.
・ Our program will be reviewed periodically and in a timely manner, taking into account the spread of infection, and other sources. Please make sure to frequently check our website and our SNS information will be sent whenever an important update is made. We look forward to working together to create a safe, sanitary and comfortable environment for all parties involved. Thank you for your continued support.